Love them or hate them, egg flies catch fish. At certain times of year (particularly late fall through the winter and into early spring) they are a huge part of a trout's food source in rivers and lakes. Whether they're eating the eggs of other spawning trout or spawning non-trout species like suckers, they really key in on them. So, there are some days when if you want to catch fish, you need to fish an egg fly. Below we've listed just a few of the various colors you can try, but there are dozens more on our site you should check out.
Love them or hate them, egg flies catch fish. At certain times of year (particularly late fall through the winter and into early spring) they are a huge part of a trout's food source in rivers and lakes. Whether they're eating the eggs of other spawning trout or spawning non-trout species like suckers, they really key in on them. So, there are some days when if you want to catch fish, you need to fish an egg fly. Below we've listed just a few of the various colors you can try, but there are dozens more on our site you should check out.
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